Recently HuaXin receive many calls for Malaysia inland trucking transport. We have a portion of

our trucking transport ability is allocated for domestic agriculture industry such as oil palm industry. After the Hari Raya holiday, the inquiry increase drastically especially for transporting oil palm empty fruit bunch from the estate to crude palm oil mill.
HuaXin is proud of our inland trucking service and we are working very hard to fulfill our customer needs however we do encounter many outstanding transport orders which we are unable to fulfil. This is the situation most of the Malaysia trucking transport companies is facing now. Hope we could get our customers’ forgiveness if we are unable to take your order in time.
Why Increase in Trucking Transport Request
We normally observe a balance state between crude palm oil mill requirement as well as the empty fruit bunch supply. However the balance states were broken right before the Hari Raya holiday. These are causing because of:
- An increase in empty fruit bunch harvest
- Palm oil mill shut down
- World-wide crude palm oil price is moving downward
The empty fruit bunch is a fresh fruit which need to send for palm oil mill process within 1-2 days period. The fruit will get rotten if store longer which causing reject or low yield. All oil palm estate requires delivering the fresh fruit as soon as possible.
Actions from Transport Companies
- We overload the empty fruit bunch for individual lorry.
- Early queue up in palm oil mill.
- Move in lorry from other region to support.
As a major lorry transport company in the region, HuaXin has put in extra effort for supporting the local oil palm industry for moving the empty fruit bunch. No matter how hard we do, we still unable to fulfill all customers need which we really regretted.
Meanwhile, we appreciate our driver for supporting our extra-ordinary actions against recent congested situation. They have to spend time just for queue up in the palm oil mill, meanwhile because of the congested, the driver has drop many transport trip which eventually affected their income.
Anyway, no matter how many lorries we put to support the transfer of empty fruit bunch, we sincerely hope that the crude palm oil mill or government could comes out some actions to minimize the time waste for trucking transport.